Our friends at Kiwibank have provided the content on this page. mortgages.co.nz receives no financial benefit in publishing this content, it has been shared to help our readers learn more about the lender products and services available to them.
How long do you plan on staying in this house?
What does certainty mean to you?
Is just one principal loan right for you?
Use the expertise of your bank to help you
If you are worried about refixing your loan, the best thing you can do is reach out to your bank early. While you might refix one of your loans once every year or even less, banks have these conversations every day. If you’re not sure on what is going to work for you or some of the things you need to consider, reach out to them and leverage their expertise. The earlier you reach out the better prepared you can be.
At Kiwibank we can walk you through the process and help discuss what options are available to you. Owning a home is a fantastic achievement and we are here to support you every step of the way and equip you to be better off.
Nicole Pervan
Nicole is the General Manager of Home Lending at Kiwibank – the largest New Zealand-owned bank. Nicole has spent her career working in financial services in Australia, Europe, and New Zealand across a range of disciplines including product management, sales, risk, and change.
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