First home buyer’s guide

Buying a house to live in is the number one Kiwi strategy for getting ahead. Not only do you get a place to call your own, you have a stake in the New Zealand property market. Many people firmly believe that property values double every 10 years and data reveals it’s a reality for much […]
A complete guide to first home loan grants and KiwiSaver

Buying your first home has become more and more challenging, particularly for Kiwis who may not have the option of significant financial support from family. To help address this, the New Zealand government provides several schemes designed to help people into home ownership for the first time. This guide provides a helpful overview of the […]
New rules for first home owner support

In Budget 2022, the government eased some of the criteria for the First Home Grant, First Home Loan and Kāinga Whenua schemes administered by Kāinga Ora. The changes were made to help more first home buyers (existing or new-build) by better reflecting market prices for homes in some areas, as well as the needs of […]
Understanding mortgage acronyms and terminology

When you’re thinking about buying your first home or moving up to your next home, it helps to get your head around the acronyms and jargon that lie ahead. If someone’s using these abbreviations without first explaining what they mean, be sure to ask. There are no silly questions when it comes to making good […]
What credit score do I need to buy a house in New Zealand?

When a home loan lender is checking you out as a potential borrower, they’ll take a long, hard look at your credit score, which is a number between 0 and 1000. Lenders refer to your credit score because they need to ensure the loan they provide will be repaid. Having a high number could make […]
Your guide to getting a mortgage

The journey from scanning the real estate pages to signing up for a mortgage has many steps. We’ll walk you through the process, so there are no surprises. The more you know before you get in touch with a lender, the better. Step 1: Have a casual chat with your lender or broker Getting your […]